Sustainable Retail Development - New Success Strategies

Sustainable Retail Development - New Success Strategies




von: Jerry Yudelson

Springer-Verlag, 2009

ISBN: 9789048127825

Sprache: Englisch

228 Seiten, Download: 4898 KB

Format:  PDF, auch als Online-Lesen

geeignet für: Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's Online-Lesen PC, MAC, Laptop
Typ: B (paralleler Zugriff)


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Sustainable Retail Development - New Success Strategies

Sustainable Retail Development, addresses the emerging issue of green retail buildings and retail development that will grow significantly in importance over the next half-decade, a trend seen throughout the developed world. This volume is a practical and comprehensive guide to greening retail real estate, including green building and marketing strategies, corporate sustainability programs and features a 10-point 'action program' for greening any retail real estate portfolio.

Sustainable Retail Development, should be essential reading for professionals in design, construction and operations of shopping centers and retail stores. Well illustrated, this volume features over 30 green retail developments from North America, Europe, South America, Asia and Australia, as well as interviews with 25 leading industry experts.




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